Introducing The Shatterproof Entrepreneur…

Welcome to The Shatterproof Entrepreneur Podcast, where faith fuels our entrepreneurial journey. I'm Scott Reib, guiding you through the principles outlined in my book to build resilient, faith-driven businesses. Here, we share stories of entrepreneurs who've intertwined their spiritual beliefs with business acumen, offering both inspiration and practical advice. 

In every episode, we unravel the symbiotic relationship between unwavering faith and entrepreneurial success. We’ll journey together, sharing stories of individuals who’ve harnessed their spiritual convictions to build businesses that not only thrive but also illuminate paths for others. These narratives aren’t just stories; they’re blueprints for constructing enterprises that withstand the tempests of market fluctuations and personal trials.Join our community of listeners and subscribe to explore how faith can be the cornerstone of your business, making it truly shatterproof. Let's navigate this journey together, shaping legacies that last.

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Episode 15: Leading the Legacy: Ensuring a Seamless Succession Process to Optimize Growth with Jonathan Goldhill

Transitioning a family business from one generation to the next can be one of the most challenging yet important undertakings for any entrepreneurial family. Upholding a legacy while innovating for the future requires visionary leadership, well-planned succession, and a willingness to disrupt the status quo in a way that honors past successes but focuses on future growth.

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Episode 6: Tax Hacks— How to Pay Less Without Crossing the Line with Brady Slack

As entrepreneurs, having an effective tax strategy is crucial but often overlooked as our businesses grow and change. Without a plan tailored to our goals and circumstances, unnecessary taxes can eat into profits and stall growth. Therefore, every business owner needs to understand the various structures and elections available so they can legitimately reduce their obligations.

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Episode 3: The Millionaire Mindset— Strategies for Growing Your Business Value Amidst Economic Shifts with Daniel Gomez

Developing the right mindset is crucial for any entrepreneur seeking long-term success. This is because our mindset will determine whether we act in terms of lack and limitation or abundance and opportunity. It's all too easy to fall into a scarcity mindset when facing challenges believing that there isn't enough time, money, or resources to achieve our goals.

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