Small Business Small Business

How To Maximize Your Home Office Deduction

If you are a business owner, working from home, you may be eligible for tax deductions on part of the rent or mortgage payments you make, but you may be afraid this puts you at risk of tax audits. And, rightly so. Calculating your home office deduction properly can minimize your taxes and keep you out of risk.

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Small Business Small Business

5 Types Of Insurance Every Business Should Have

Before you open your business, it is imperative that you have the proper coverage. A single lawsuit or catastrophic event can easily wipe out a company before it has a chance to get off the ground. That being said, there are many types of insurance out there, and some policies can be extraordinarily expensive. Therefore, it is critical that your company is prepared for any risks you may face and have the insurance to cover those risks.The following insurance types are among the most-often needed for practically every business, no matter how big or small.

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Small Business Small Business

4 Key Elements of a Small Business Owner's Estate Plan

Have you dreamed of leaving your company to your family, but you haven’t sufficiently included your business in your estate plan? If so, listen closely because it could quickly turn into a nightmare for your heirs, as well as, your business’ team members and clients, too. To ensure your company is passed to your family in exactly the right way, you need to establish a comprehensive estate plan.

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