Small Business, Human Resources Scott Reib Small Business, Human Resources Scott Reib

Are you following the latest employment laws? As a small business owner, you need to know your rights and responsibilities when it comes to hiring, firing, and managing your employees.

t's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest employment laws to ensure that you're compliant with all regulations. Failure to comply with employment laws can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for your business. I

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Your intellectual property is your most valuable asset - but are you doing enough to protect it? Find out how to safeguard your trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

Whether it's a trademark, copyright, or patent, it's essential to protect your intellectual property to safeguard your business's future. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of safeguarding your intellectual property and how you can protect it.

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Small Business, Leadership Scott Reib Small Business, Leadership Scott Reib

A Guide to Developing Core Values for Your Business

As a business owner, you likely have a clear idea of what your company does and what you hope to achieve. But have you defined your company's core values? These guiding principles can shape your company culture, differentiate you from competitors, and help you make important decisions. In this post, we'll explore how to create core values for your company and effectively communicate them to stakeholders.

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Small Business Scott Reib Small Business Scott Reib

The Gold Standard: Top Franchises in Their Industries

If you’re interested in starting your franchise or working on a new project, you probably need to know a little bit about the industry you’re going in. At Entrepreneur, they did research and determined which franchises came out on top for their industry. Afterward, they were able to determine which industries allow people to access their full business potential.

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Small Business Scott Reib Small Business Scott Reib

Your Recurring Revenue Model

With a recurring income model, business owners can determine what percentage of revenue could be lost each month as well as what new subscriptions or payment plans are joining. If you are tracking membership metrics with a metric dashboard, you practically have the ability to predict your next month’s revenue. However, you should know that recurring revenue is not some sort of magic money maker, it requires hard work to keep your customers sticking around for years!Here are 7 models to form your perfect recurring revenue business around:

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Small Business Scott Reib Small Business Scott Reib

How Mobile Technology Impacts Business

Around a decade ago, technology began to drastically change into the tech-savvy, social media oriented, Iphone wielding society we see before us today. With all of this change, we have to stop and think about what has changed with it. One of the main things that has changed is the way that businesses communicate with one another, with customers, and within their own walls. Learn more in this article!

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Want Better Employees? Try this!

Want better employees? According to studies, business owners who launch health programs for their employees can enjoy a wide-range of valuable benefits, not simply their employees but for the entire company. Outside of a healthier and happier team, such programs can increase productivity, save money, and even enhance your brand’s image among current and prospective employees. If you’re looking for a relatively simplistic strategy for motivation, workplace wellness programs should be a top priority. The following are just a few of the most powerful benefits participating companies experience.

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