Small Business Small Business

5 Tips For Securing and Protecting Your Clients' Data

Every business, big or small, is responsible for protecting the personal and corporate data and their client base. This data can include names, address, social security numbers, and even credit card information. Therefore, it is not only a good idea to have a safeguard, but it is also a legal requirement. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) imposes harsh fines and penalties for your failure to adequately protect this information. To protect your client data safely and to ensure your company is not sued, fined, or tarnished by a data breach, follow these tips.

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Small Business Small Business

4 Vital Legal Agreements All Startups Should Have

When getting a business to take off, one common mistake is that business owners fail to establish a solid legal foundation to protect their company from situations and circumstances that could be deadly. The most effective and efficient way to provide this legal bedrock is by putting a set of key legal agreements in place. Gleaned from years of business experience and advice from seasoned and highly successful entrepreneurs, we’ve outlined the core four legal documents that a company’s founders should put into place as soon as your business “idea” evolves into a reality.

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