Taking Care of Yourself & Your Business

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Taking care of yourself and your business

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Too often people think that business is all work with no play. It’s become the mindset of much of the country. Unfortunately, this very mindset is the mindset that holds you back from reaching your potential. Your happiness matters. However, the pressure of running a business can seem like prioritizing self-care and your overall well-being is next to impossible, or irresponsible. Despite this common belief, the opposite is true.

If you set aside your self-care, your business will never succeed to the level you desire. It is a complicated balance that you will only be capable of mastering if you see through the belief patterns that are holding you back.

Here is something to look at that can have a big impact on your achievement of true success, going forward.

Let Your Discomfort Guide You, Appropriately. Quite often, traditional success is driven by fear or failure, a need to prove something. Unfortunately, what most often happens with success driven from this place, is you’ll hit the goal, but still not be happy. You might be happy for a few minutes, and then it’s on to the next goal. Always chasing, never satisfied. Typically, that’s happening because your relationship to discomfort is out of whack. You are trying to solve for your discomfort with achievement, when really your discomfort is asking for is self-care.

Recognize What Your Mind is Telling You. In order to get into right relationships with your discomfort, you first need to notice that your mind is driving all of this. It is using discomfort to speak to you. However, it is only because it’s the only way it knows to get your attention. Like a small child that keeps trying to get your attention, it needs to use the most atrocious negative behavior. It will keep trying you let it tell you what it wants to say. It’s way of doing so will get louder and louder, and uglier and uglier, until one day. At this point, it will make you very sick, just so you finally hear it.

Embrace discomfort. Entrepreneurs make tough decisions every day. They also have tough conversations. Whether it’s discussing an employee’s performance or a recent hiccup in operations, approach uncomfortable situations with a well-thought out plan, specific instructions for improvement, and confidence. Along those same lines, put preventative measures in place such as drafting stronger legal contracts to mitigate uncomfortable situations.

Set boundaries. Driven entrepreneurs often hire like-minded people who are passionate about work and motivated to do whatever it takes to succeed. They work hard and get results! However, it is just as important to set healthy boundaries, especially with a team of dedicated professionals. Thus, it is vital that you model excellent self-care by taking good care of yourself and encouraging them. Work hard and don’t lose sight of the importance of your own mental health and well-being.

Take care of yourself. As a business owner, you often think you have unlimited bandwidth. However, this is not the case. Owning a business is mental draining. When you suffer, your business suffers as well. Put systems in place to ensure legal and financial issues are taken care of before they stress you out. This can include tax planning and auditing your insurance policies to ensure your business is well protected. If you can minimize these problems you can free up your mental energy and actually enjoy the excitement and freedom of entrepreneurship.

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