Episode 41: How Lifelong Allies Can Help You Successfully Navigate Risks, Disruptions, and Growth with Dean Briggs
“It's about embracing the very thing most of us try to avoid which is struggle, suffering, and hardship as the primary bustle growth motivators in our lives that prepare us for the challenges we don't know are coming. If we embrace the hardship now, we will have success when we need it.” —Dean Briggs
Lifelong friendships built on trust and loyalty can provide the solid foundation entrepreneurs and leaders need to take bold risks, drive disruption, and scale their vision. With trusted allies supporting our dreams, we'll feel empowered to step into our potential and conquer challenges along the way.
Dean Briggs is a seasoned leadership strategist and entrepreneur with a heart for ministry. By choosing to stand by each other's sides through all of life's seasons for over 45 years, the unyielding support and guidance of their covenantal friendship has emboldened Scott and Dean to continuously scale their businesses to new heights and lead as men of deep conviction.
Listen to this candid conversation and learn how to leverage the power of authentic, covenantal relationships to propel your leadership to new levels, thrive through bold risks and disruptive innovation, gain wisdom from challenges, and build a legacy of lasting influence.
Connect with Dean:
Formerly a pastor and church planter, Dean Briggs serves the Body of Christ as an apostolic teacher and strategist, consulting movements, ministries, and coaching leaders and executives across five continents. At churches and conferences, or through his numerous books and video courses, Dean easily weds humor and anointing with unusual depth in the Word of God. His fresh revelation and unique perspective have helped countless people radically shift their paradigm of God and themselves.
Episode Highlights:
00:42 The Gift of Lifelong Friendships
06:37 The Power of Covenantal Friendship
10:08 Disrupt What Needs Disruption
14:00 The Power of a Relentless Vision
17:38 Checks and Balances
24:09 Choices and Consequences
30:32 The Standard: The Word
39:14 Embrace the Struggle
41:10 The Secret to Customer Loyalty: Narrative Branding
The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet by Thomas Dubay
Embrace the Suck: The Navy SEAL Way to an Extraordinary Life by Brent Gleeson
Tired of playing it small? A true ride-or-die friend is the secret weapon to taking it to the next level. Tune in as @reiblaw and @DBarkleyBriggs share how their 45-year friendship has shaped them into stronger and bolder entrepreneurs and leaders. #Podcast #TheShatterproofEntrepreneur #ReibLaw #lifelongfriends #covenantalfriendships #intentionaldisruption #relentlessvision #balancing #choiceandconsequences #embracethestruggles #narrativebranding
07:01 “We keep intersecting because there's something that keeps us coming back together.” —Dean Briggs
07:41 “Lifetime friendship is where you can pick right up where you left off.” —Scott Reib
11:36 “Disrupt what needs disruption and seize the opportunities that disruption creates.” —Dean Briggs
15:00 “You can't be that obsessed with excellence and beauty and be driven by that level of vision and not have it permeate every aspect then of what you roll out.” —Dean Briggs
20:31 “There's no balance. There's always going to be trade-offs. You cannot be a super mom and a super career woman. You can't be the global leader of a Fortune 500 company and perfectly balance everything that your kids need from you. You're going to have to make trade-offs.” —Dean Briggs
22:15 “Life is choices and choices have consequences. Make sure you're consciously making decisions, not just going with the flow.” —Scott Reib
27:54 “They [our wives] have needs, and they're around us in a work context enough. They didn't get married to a job, they got married to a man.” –Dean Briggs
31:52 “Try not to make even small decisions flippantly. God does care about small stuff. If you ask Him, He will guide you.” —Scott Reib
33:25 “Sometimes, we get so confident in just our thought that we forget we really need His thought.” —Dean Briggs
39:32 “It's about embracing the very thing most of us try to avoid which is struggle, suffering, and hardship as the primary bustle growth motivators in our lives that prepare us for the challenges we don't know are coming. If we embrace the hardship now, we will have success when we need it.” —Dean Briggs
41:30 “There's power in finding the story behind your brand, rather than the features of your product or your business. Narrative branding is the next wave of effective customer loyalty.” —Dean Briggs
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