10 Skills Employers Need You to Have in 2020

10 Skills employers need you to have in 2020

In a world that is always changing, it is important to be on the cutting edge. With so many types of employment, it is no wonder that people are constantly searching for a way to pick up a new skill or two! I found what researchers say are the 10 key skills that you need to learn before 2020!

  1. Cognitive Flexibility- This means creativity, logical reasoning, and problem sensitivity. It means that you are able to adapt your communication depending on who is around you. Employers need you to not just say the same cookie-cutter thing to everyone. You need to be able to adapt, listen, and tailor your communication to your audience.

  2. Negotiation skills- Having this skill is going to be a game-changer in the next few years. Especially in jobs involving computers and math, i.e. data analysis and software development. This will also be needed in industries involving arts and design. 

  3. Service Orientation- This was defined as actively seeking others who you can help. How much do you help your team members, superiors, or the people throughout your industry? You need to be known for something.

  4. Judgment and Decisiveness- As organizations collect more and more data, there will be increasing needs for those who can analyze it and use it to make intelligent decisions. Good judgment will involve knowing how o get buy-in from a colleague or making a strong suggestion to a manager.

  5. Emotional Intelligence- Robots are capable of doing a lo, but they can’t read people quite like we can. Not yet anyway. Employers will put emphasis on hiring people who can relate and respond to others’ emotions. 

  6. Coordinating with others- This once again falls under the social skills umbrella. It involves being able to collaborate, adjust, and be sensitive to the needs of others. 

  7. People management- This means the ability to motivate others. It's one of the greatest traits of leadership as well. This will be in demand for managers in the media and energy industries.

  8. Creativity- 4 years ago, creativity was ranked 10 on the list. However, it's one of the big three skills employers will seek! Why? Because we are bombarded with new tech and employers need someone to do something with it!

  9. Critical Thinking- As processes become more automated, the need for people who can employ logical thinking and reasoning become more needed. This is because machines must be directed ethically and optimally. Employers will look for people with critical minds who can evaluate the uses or abuses of power of tech, and use their brains to benefit the company.

  10. 1. Complex problem-solving- Technology makes life easier, but it can also make it harder or more complicated. The report shows that 36% of all jobs across all industries will require complex problem-solving abilities as a core skill by 2020. Take a look at this list in aggregate, and it's clear that if you want to prepare for 2020 and beyond, you should develop your social skills.


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