Small Business Scott Reib Small Business Scott Reib

The Gold Standard: Top Franchises in Their Industries

If you’re interested in starting your franchise or working on a new project, you probably need to know a little bit about the industry you’re going in. At Entrepreneur, they did research and determined which franchises came out on top for their industry. Afterward, they were able to determine which industries allow people to access their full business potential.

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Small Business Scott Reib Small Business Scott Reib

How Mobile Technology Impacts Business

Around a decade ago, technology began to drastically change into the tech-savvy, social media oriented, Iphone wielding society we see before us today. With all of this change, we have to stop and think about what has changed with it. One of the main things that has changed is the way that businesses communicate with one another, with customers, and within their own walls. Learn more in this article!

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