The Gold Standard: Top Franchises in Their Industries

The Gold Standard: Top Leaders in their industries

If you’re interested in starting your franchise or working on a new project, you probably need to know a little bit about the industry you’re going in. At Entrepreneur, they did research and determined which franchises came out on top of their industry. Afterward, they were able to determine which industries allow people to access their full business potential.

Check out the top 10 Franchise Categories for 2019:

Asian Food 

The craze for poke continues more and more, and thus companies are looking to make their mark on this franchise. More long-standing franchises with menus designed to replicate Asian cuisines are still growing and thriving as well! 

Beauty/Grooming Services

Everyone needs a good pampering. Thus the nail care, lash service, and hair services are all BOOMING! Crazy enough, this isn’t just for women! Men are taking steps to pamper themselves as well! 

A personal plug, but Elephant in the Room is a personal favorite for a good men’s pampering experience!


Since more industries are popping up, more parents are working. Due to this, child care industries are growing faster than kids! Thus, if you can offer a child care service that “offers educational services - inspires trust” (Entrepreneur), you’ll find your business finding ample growth opportunities. 


Phones, devices, and other electronic inventions have become vital for people’s daily lives, and franchises are using this to grow exponentially by offering repair services, resales, accessories, and more to keep their people together. 


Did you even see Endgame? Talk about a Shatterproof plan! If you even open your eyes in the morning, you’ll see some form of entertainment invention that has infiltrated your house. This industry is growing so so fast!


The only thing growing bigger than people’s biceps is the fitness industry. Everyone’s hopping on the craze. One of my good friends and an Access Client, Sean Garner, has dominated this industry and is showing me daily how much growth there is to be found here.

Frozen Desserts

Now we’re talking. Fitness is great and all, but ICE CREAM! Being from Texas, I know the success surrounding this industry and the growth possibilities, *cough* *cough* BLUE BELL. Big fan. Big fan. The frozen dessert industry has changed so much in the past few years with all sorts of new crazes: gelato, ice cream cake, rolled ice cream. Wow! 

Mexican Food

Recently, Mexican Food overtook Pizza to become the second-most-popular type of menu. There are now close to 60,000 Mexican Restaurants in the U.S. Entrepreneur.


All over social media, doggos, and cat fails have taken the world by storm. Not raining cats and dogs, but industries growing like crazy! I’ve got two dogs of my own, and the amount of new places I can take them to recently has increased dramatically! 


Entrepreneur concluded their report by noting that, “The American Staffing Association reports that staffing and recruiting industry sales increased 4.4 percent in 2017 to reach $161 billion. No word on how much of those sales come from the franchise sector, but franchisors offering to staff and recruiting services continue to perform well.” 

With so many options, you better get started if you want access to these awesome industries!

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