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"Gay Flags Should Not Fly At Embassies" - Pence

This week the State Department said that the only flag would be flying on the flagpoles of American Embassies, the American Flag. This means that during Pride Month, which takes place in June, the Gay Flag would not be flown with our nation’s flag. This decision was supported by the President and Vice President of the United States. According to Mike Pence, “I'm aware that the State Department indicated that on the flagpole of our American embassies, one flag should fly, and that's the American flag. And I support that.” As the situation has progressed, men and women on either side of the debate have been casting their opinions on why the Gay Flag should or should not be flown by American Embassies. Here’s why I agree with him.

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The Alabama Abortion Law, and what it means now.

Within the past week, there has been increasing discussion over the Alabama Abortion Law. With Democrats and Republicans taking sides on the issue, we are left to analyze and see what the implications of this law are, and how it could affect our nation. It is currently illegal to perform abortions in the state of Alabama as of Tuesday night, May 14th.

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